
Thursday, March 21, 2013


I received this basket of pregnancy pampering goodies from my lovely chocolate, fuzzy blanket, nighty, pop chips, cocoa butter, hot water bottle and more. I used everything and then stored all my pregnancy books in the basket.
Thanks ladies! Xoxo

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Hello again friends!

Well time seems to be flying by. I'm now 23 weeks, which means i'm almost done my second trimester...crazy I know.

Now i'm not sure exactly what the term "glowing" really means in pregnancy, but if it means happy and overall enjoying pregnancy, then i'm glowing.  I don't mean to say that there aren't some tough parts, because there are; shortness of breath, sometimes restless nights, occasional sciatica (holy ouch), mood swings (according to hubby, I'm sure he could start his own blog just on crazy stories about me). Despite that, however, I feel really excited and loving this growing experience, and luckily I truly do feel good most of the time. People were not joking when they said that this trimester would be good, so I tried to make the most of it, and got in spa days, and even went to an Alicia Keys concert. I'm also fortunate as I've been hearing positive things overall too. It makes me all warm and fuzzy when I hear people excited for us, but most of all when I feel my baby move!

That's right...peanut is a kickin'.

I felt what seemed like a pulsation last weekend, march 9th around 3am to be exact, and from then on have been getting that fluttery feeling I've heard about, along with actual kicks! Hubby's able to feel it also...coolest thing ever, hands down!

So I don't know if I'm "glowing" physically, that's opinion I suppose. But I sure feel like I am glowing emotionally, simply based on the way I feel connected to this developing and moving child of ours. Love this peanut.

I also know there are sleepless nights ahead, in a few short months, and some life changes so I guess I'm trying to enjoy everything about this journey.

3rd trimester...please be good.

Here we go...xoxo

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mind Blowing

I love roller coasters, ever since I was little…they're thrilling, scary and adventurous.  The dips make your stomach churn, the escalation builds suspense, and that moment cradling the top is reflection – reflection of what may occur next, because, well, it can be unpredictable. I think roller coasters and I have had an affinity, because it emulates life.  The good thing is, it’s a ride, and there is always an ending and a sense of walking away thinking “hmm, that was rough, but I know I could handle it”.

I think February was just that, one giant roller coaster…

To re-cap, in exact order: 
·         my brother got ill and ended up in a hospital for 2 weeks :(
·         then my mother in law got ill :(
·         then my brother came home :)
·         my baby brother graduated with his degree :)
·         I had my second ultrasound :)
·         my sister turned 30 :)
·         then my mother in law got really ill :(
·         one of my nephews turned 1 :)
·         my grandma had a mild stroke :(
·         I went to the doctor, heard baby’s heartbeat again as well as them kicking away :)    

Yes a tiring and long list, and I left out stuff like trying my first Romers burger, being there for some friends that went through a tough time, work stress, an amazing Valentine’s day from my hubby, and the buckets of rain we experienced this month (I am so over the rain by the way, seriously).  Nonetheless, I think it’s easy to see my point…life is full of ups and downs, some expected and some definitely not, just like a roller coaster.  We can’t control what will happen next, or how something will turn out, the only thing you can control is how you perceive the situation and what your attitude will be.  Oh yeah, and to hold on tight! 

Because I’m pregnant, my close friends and family were afraid of me getting stressed out because of my nature to take on “too much”.  Knowing all that was happening, I had numerous people checking on me to ensure I was getting enough rest or not stressing.  To be honest…I was expecting to crack, but I didn’t.  I took each thing as it came, good or bad, celebrated or planned, and somehow managed to still make myself a priority, and (a big and) keep my cool.  I know why…it’s because of peanut, obviously.  I know he/she is depending on me to be good to myself first and foremost, to accept what’s happening and be happy nonetheless. 

Here's why friends...

Have you ever experienced a meal that tastes so good, you can’t bear to chew because that intense flavor you want to last forever?  Or how about the first time you hear “I love you” from your true love, heightened emotions because you are so ecstatic from the thrill that this is what you have been waiting for?  Well seeing your baby on a screen moving, having limbs, a heartbeat and a brain is one million times more intense than that!!!  Truly mind blowing!!! Everything I do, everything I eat, and every emotion I choose affects this child right now. Things will not always be peachy keen, roses, lilies and butterflies, there are times of utter chaos, agony and fear.  There will always be downs, but the ups are so worth it!  Couple that with anticipation…anticipation that one day I’m going to get to hold and look at this baby, anticipation of what is to come next.  So life is just unpredictable, but you take the dips with the highs and be ok with not always knowing what’s to come.  Just like a roller coaster.

Pardon the gender friendly terms, but we ended up deciding to not find out.  Honestly, after seeing the baby on screen I just stopped caring about knowing anything more, and just taking everything as it comes.  So you will know when we do!

Stay tuned, talk to you very soon.