
Monday, December 22, 2014

One day he's going to grow up...

Being pregnant again has brought to me the realization of how, not too long ago, I went through all these stages of anticipation and wonder with Caiden.  As I read the updates on my week to week pregnancy (at 13 weeks now - woohoo second trimester! ), I see I get to relive those baby moments blessed. Now instead of wonder it is more just a looking forward to.  It is to be cherished and enjoyed, because it does pass.

Caiden is no longer a baby, so each new phase I try to ceize and enjoy thoroughly.  My boy seems to be growing so fast,  he no longer wants to be held like a baby, wants to try to eat on his own,  and wants to sleep in the bed like a big boy. 

Although I will get to once again enjoy those precious baby moments soon again,  I do not want to forget the precious toddler moments I am experiencing right now... notice I am writing this at 5am as he is sleeping vs 5pm when there is chaos and running and sometimes screaming...

Here are my favorite things about having a toddler:

1. Watching him sleep.
Well passed the new parent "is he breathing?" phase and loving the peaceful surrender of him rejuvenating for the next day of running around. So tender.

2. How he calls me "momma".
Best. Word. Ever.

3. How he runs to you with open arms.
My boy is a is awesome to have these tiny arms reach around you and squeeze, if you are lucky you will get a "kissee" too.

4. Seeing the world through fresh eyes.
Everything is new and exciting,  lights are "wooooowww" and sounds make you dance,  and everything needs to be discovered. There is no "bad" yet.

5. How he learns through imitation.
Though it's also a scary one,  you just have to be careful.  I love how he throws his hands up and says "touchdown" during a game...or "cheers" with his sippy cup when we have guests...or tries to broom and wipe up spills on his own...or how he grabs the book and thinks he is actually he thinks he is brushing his teeth right.

6. His banter.
Though his vocabulary is growing and we are able to now make out what he wants,  90% of the time it is pure, beautiful,  baby talk.  He is fully explaining something with passion and intent... we just agree in delight. The hand actions and signaling make it even better...oh man I actually love watching him talk.

7. Dancing.
Music = dancing = awesome moves = adorable.

8. Cuddles in bed.
Yes I give in and let him sleep in our bed, but he won't be small forever,  nor will be want to cuddle forever,  so I give in to really enjoying it while it lasts.  Warm and so tender.

There are definitely endless joys to having children and watching them grow, but as I am preparing to have a baby I realize each stage is so different.   The one commonality is that every stage passes,  and eventually goes away.  They will be grown up and no longer needing I choose to give in and really enjoy every ounce of the drop...until they do grow up. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Turning Mommy - Part 2

I know I have been slacking a bit here,  but hey life gets busy.  I'm a working mommy, come home to spend time with my beautiful family,  have dinner,  cleanup,  play,  prep for the next day,  bedtime routine it up, then pass out...get up and do it all again.   It may sound routine,  but it isn't quite that simple,  but I enjoy it. 

This is life with an active and growing toddler who is full of wonder and energy, and learning the art of the dreaded....tantrum. It definitely is an energy-filled stage,  we have to be on our toes watching the little bugger. It amazes me how he just imitates and learns things.  For example,  if he sees a towel, no doubt he tries to wipe everything in sight;  if he sees a broom he will be sweeping until his arms tire; gets a hold of our phone and he has a full conversation (in his baby language) and tries to swipe up and down.  So interesting and cute,  and sometimes frustrating (I refer to the newly realized tantrums when he doesn't get his way,  whoa baby my boy has some pipes) this little person is.  As Caiden grows,  it's a constant learning for us, as well as him... and it's amazing to be able to focus on that.

But we also realize he is getting older and before too long we think he may need a sibling too.  A sibling to grow with,  teach, build a relationship with, and bond with... hopefully without too big an age gap (by our preference).  He does love kids and playing with others.

Sometimes I think,  wow how can you manage a toddler and a baby?  But it's been done and if you are tired now perhaps knock it all out while you are on a roll...maybe...yeah I think so...right?...YES!  The answer is yes for us! 

Friends, we are happy to announce that I am indeed once again turning mommy.  Caiden will be a big brother,  and our family is ready to welcome another angel, coming June 28. 

I know that we have this little wonder of what the next personality will be like,  because Caiden is a character and a half, but so far the pregnancies feel different.  So I am sure we will have our fair share of stories for the next few years to come. 

Stay tuned...turning mommy part's happening! 
