
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blueberry Banana French Toast

I love making French Toast.  It's simple, it's easy, everyone loves it, and it's not as unhealthy as one may think, if you make it yourself.

Here is my recipe, which I promise is super easy, that you will find you have enough time to make it even on a weekday.

Turning Mommy: Blueberry French Toast

My family eats this up.  I do not add syrup, I am completely weary of too much sugars in the morning, and try to avoid it as much as possible.  I also try to sneak in fruits as much as possible and try recipes that include them (total bonus).  With this recipe, because of the cinnamon and bananas, and the touch of sugar (if wanted) on the crust...I don't think you will miss syrup either. 

I make it with whole wheat toast...yes I do.  And no, it does not compromise the taste.

Check it out, your little ones will eat it up!

Whole wheat bread
Sugar (optional)
Skim milk


In a flat dish, mix up eggs and skim milk, equal parts.  I use 3 eggs, and it makes about 5 pieces of toast.  Mix up well.  

Take a half banana, mash very well (until liquidy), and add to egg mixture.  If it is lumpy, it is fine.

In a small saucer, mix a blend of cinnamon and sugar, 3 parts cinnamon and 1 part sugar.  However, if you want to you can eliminate the sugar altogether.

Warm a non-stick skillet to med-high heat.

Dip the bread fully in the egg/milk mixture.  Once coated, dip the edges in the cinnamon mixture.

Add the dipped bread to the skillet.  While on skillet, add blueberries (insert directly into bread while wet).

Cook the bread until dry and nicely browned on both sides.

While still hot, spread a light amount of non-hydrogenated margarine, sprinkle with cinnamon and top with sliced bananas.


Friday, March 25, 2016

9 Month Sleep Regression and Why It's a Toughie

Oh sleep, where are you?  Please find my baby girl and me!
Oh sleep, why does my baby hate you...please make her love you again!
Oh sleep, just sleep...please pretty please...sleep come back...sleep!

That is my nightly mantra, lately.  It has taken me by surprise and hit me like a tonne of bricks.  Which is ironic, given this is my second run.  However, I just forgot, frankly, about the dreaded, every daunting, 9 month sleep regression.  Which, in my opinion, is much worse than the 4 month one.

Around the 4 month mark, typically babies regress to waking up as they did as newborns, every 2-3 hours at best.  It is a hard one, because after the 3 month mark, one gets adjusted to sleeping a bit more, and establish a routine/schedule. Then you get thrown a curve ball...the schedule goes out the window.  This makes the 4 month one extremely tough, because you are almost back at square one.

However, that passes, and you will sleep, a bit, again.  You then re-establish a schedule/routine...your baby is sleeping longer hours.  Your baby starts solids, is fuller longer, and things are going swimmingly.  They start playing, and exploring and growing at lightning speed.  It's awesome, purely awesome.  You make play dates, go to mommy and me classes again, and you feel like you have more energy.  Some days you wake, saying "wow I just slept 6 hours straight, I feel great." You even have stopped taking naps yourself, and use nap time as your own personal errand time or "me" time.

Then things change.  At night.  Drastically.

That is where I am at, I am waking up, what feels to be all the time...allllllll the tiiiiiiiiime.  At first, I was puzzled, thinking why is this happening.  She feeds well, she's not hungry, she's not wet...yes she is teething, but she doesn't appear to be in discomfort...why?  

Then I read my baby books and resources again, and also jogged down memory lane.

It is highly normal for your 8 to 10 month old to go through another sleep regression.  Sleep regressions occur at growth spurts, or periods of high development.  It is not that they are being bad sleepers, per say, it is just that your baby is going through the biggest brain development period to date.  
This is the time frame, in which, they learn to do things such as:
-sitting on own
-pulling themselves up
-furniture walking
-saying some simple words
-making associations with what you say (i.e. clap your hands, say bye bye, etc.)

All this happens so rapidly.  It's astonishing to see in the day, but your baby's brain is literally firing up and it's hard for them to know to "shut down".  You may even catch them at night, when not crying, trying out some of their learned skills.  I once caught baby girl trying to pull herself up in her about 3am!

While it is frustrating at night,  it is very normal and it too shall pass.

I think the 9 month regression is also tougher because it, in my case, lasts a bit longer.  This is also the stage where most babies experience separation anxiety. They are weary of not seeing you or knowing if you are right there with them.  They are nervous being alone and just never realized it before that they are not physically attached to you.

Of course every baby is different,  but I have seen this full force.  

On the one hand, I love how much my child is learning and growing.  On the other, momma really wants to sleep again.   

If you find you are in the same boat, here are some tips to make it through:

-give your baby lots of cuddles, day or night, it will calm them but will also remind you how loving these monsters are

-reinstate daytime naps for yourself...just do it

-try using essential oils, a calming blend, in diffusers or on your wrists, when you need to feel relaxed

-if available to you, ask your partner to give you encouragement in the middle of the night when you get up or switch off on tending to baby 

-sleeping in depends totally on if you have another child, so some days ask a babysitter or family to help in the morning so you can catch up on sleep...because chances are baby is sleeping a little later into the morning

Good luck!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Top 5 Things my Toddler Says

Kids talk a lot, and when they are not screaming, it is pretty darn cute!

I hear new things from Caiden daily, some just crack me up.  Because he is two, he still has a baby voice, so his speech contains those sweet and oh-so-cute nuances of not saying something quite right. 

Though hard to narrow down,  and this list evolves almost weekly, here are my fave Caiden quotes at this time.  I am sure I will revise this again in the future.

1. Yee-Haw!
He started saying this after watching Toy Story.  Though it is losing it's rotation in his daily vocab, it is still a fan favourite.

2. All aboahd! 
Loves trains, he loves a lot of stuff. But I grin ear to ear when he loads up his little toys into the cart of one of his Thomas the Trains and shouts "All aboahd!"  I will be a little sad once he knows how to say "aboard" correctly.

3. Otay Momma / Dadda
Seriously so cute. All his "ka" sounds are replaced with "ta" sounds.  So Kobe the dog is Tobe, cat is tat and so forth.  But the way he agrees and says "Ottttaaay"....ahhh killer, I mean tiller tuteness.

4.  Sup?
I am not too sure where he learned this, but I am going to guess seeing guys say hi to eachother. He doesn't do it always, but it will randomly come out; and when it does, it causes a few giggles, to say the least, coming from a little man.

5.  Mom check out!
I love watching him get excited to show us anything,  how he kicks a ball, the tower he just built, etc...But I think I love the fact he is telling me to "check it out" that much more.

What are some of your favourites?  Make sure to put them in the memory bank!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mix and Match Ensembles for Little Girls

Having a little girl allows me to play around with looks, girly of course.  And although it's typical I would dress her in pink, ruffles, tutus and dresses...there are other options that are so cute, that I just cannot get enough of.

I noticed that there are a few key items that are always being updated in Rayna's closet: leggings, colourful tops, cardigans and head accessories.
Love this get-up. Paired a Black and White striped jacket from Carters, white denim pants from Carters with a bright pink peblum top from Children's Place

I love the layering look with tights or leggings, add a jacket or cardigan and you have a nice little number.  It is casual and trendy...and just as girly.  In a miniature version, the outfits work well for any occasion.  I don't tend to stick to what comes packaged together, though those sets are fantastic.  I have a lot of fun mixing up different pieces and creating different outfits entirely.

This look is entirely H&M mix and matchables.  We have a beige textured legging, paired with a dark purple sweater, and just added a white cardigan with gold hearts.  

A lot of dresses come with cardigans, but by all means, play around to create looks to your liking. Of course a little hat, headband or clip is a must-have to complete the outfit.

Cute in a denim dress by Old Navy, white leggings from Children's Place, a dark pink cardigan from Carters, and a wool headband by Vitamins Baby

Dressing girls doesn't have to come with a hefty price-tag, here are some outfits that are simple but fashionable.  I love a lot of things from stores such as CartersOld NavyH&M, etc.  All it is is taking simple single pieces, and mixing it up.  

Sporting a 4-button white sweater from Old Navy, pink flower toque from Joe Fresh, and silver polka dot on black leggings from Carters

So mix and match, play around with colours, patterns and head pieces.  Enjoy shopping at regular everyday stores to stay in a budget.  Look for small pieces vs. sticking to the packaged sets or don't be afraid to break those sets free.

You will create different looks and love the outcomes!

Animal print vest from Carters, orange leggings from Old Navy.