
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First day of Preschool

My baby, my first baby, so grown up.

This day is bittersweet. I am so happy he is ready for school and such a good boy, generally, and loves to learn. However, this is a sign of how fast time is going.

I was a little nervous preparing, me and Vick both were. I was frantically setting out his clothes, all the things for him to take, and praying on the potty Gods that he would be okay in that department.  The truth is, I dont think the nervousness was to do with him and how he would be. It is letting him go a little. He is at an age where he needs to now learn to take instruction from others, learn to make friends on own and so forth.  In that sense, you cannot hover over and it's time.  But how did we get there so fast?

As I dressed him and took his picture, I was thinking just how big he suddenly looks.  On our drive I talked about how I will be back to pick him up and not to worry. He said "otay momma."

As we got to the door, he saw toys and kids. He let go of my hand, shook his teacher's hand and let go of mine. He ran into the class and didn't look back. I left and sat at a coffee shop, here, now, to write my reflection.  And I had to message Vick, as I did...water welled up in the lower cringes of my eye, like a ravine collecting water. I fought the sudden urge to ball...but the emotion is raw. 

I'm not a's just that my baby is no longer a baby. proud.


1 comment:

  1. First day of school is a day to remember. Most of the kids cries while going to the school for the first day. It's quite normal for any kid. When I went to my school for the first time, I was carried there literally. I didn't have a any interest. I felt suffocated because the journey is not usual. But here the photos shows that he is very much excited. Well, that much enthusiasm should be in every student.
    Baby Learning


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